Getter Robo Hien - The Earth Suicide Poster
Getter Robo Hien - The Earth Suicide Poster

Getter Robo Hien - The Earth Suicide



Action Adventure Mecha
RANK 16445 76.48/100
  • Chapters 17
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Action Adventure Mecha

Getter Robo Hien - The Earth Suicide Story

Also khown as:

Getter Robo Hien: The Earth Suicide




Getter Robo Hien - The Earth Suicide


Getta Robo Hien

This series continues the Ken Ishikawa continuity of Getter manga, temporally taking place after Getter Robo Go and before Getter Āḥ. The series features an older Hayato leading a new team of Getter Pilots (and a new Getter) as they defend the earth from large plant-like monsters.
(Source: Wikipedia)

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Q: Is this the official site for Getter Robo Hien - The Earth Suicide?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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