• Susanoou
    No synopsis has been added for this manga yet.Click here to update this information.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Getter Robo G
    After Emperor Gore and the Reptilian empire is defeated, a new enemy, Emperor Burai and his Hyakki empire rises and threatens to take over Earth. Ryoma, Hayato, and newcomer Benkei pilot the new Getter Robo G to save Earth.
    (Source: ANN)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Hanappe Bazooka
    Hanappe is a school student... and a lecherous sexual deviant. One day he summons two demons by accident through his television, named Bazooka and Dance. They offer to grant him a wish of being able to make any women fall for him if they are allowed to use his home as a demonic meeting place.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Cutie Honey THE ANOTHER
    • On Going
    • 8 chapters
    Manga adaptation of the anime Cutie Honey done by Ken Ishikawa and Yuu Okazaki, it follows more the anime and the character design is closer than the original one.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Getter Robo High
    A mysterious monster called the High Beast, has taken control of the regions of Eurasia and Africa. Japan has cut off from the mainland to protect itself from this threat. The daughter of a legendary mahjong player discovers that monsters attack whenever a mahjong piece is hit across the board. This allows humans to be separated from the battle and for mahjong players to effectively combat the monsters with robots controlled through mahjong moves

    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Devilman Brutus Mercedes-Benz SLR
    A Mercedes-Benz SLR car ad by Go Nagai featuring Devilman.

    (Source: MU)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Mazinger Angel Z
    No synopsis has been added for this manga yet.Click here to update this information.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Kakumeiki Valvrave - Ryuusei no Otome
    A side-story centered on the school idol Saki Rukino, and tells her story from both past and present points of view.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Getter Robo
    The first Getter Robo series chronologically. Published 15 years before the rest of the manga, Getter Robo pioneered the idea of the combining and transforming robot.
    Millions of years ago, the dinosaurs were driven deep underground due to the sudden arrival of "Getter Rays" on Earth. After evolving into sentient beings, they grew bitter and vengeful at the humans who replaced them on the surface and began plotting their attack on humanity.
    Fighting against them is Getter Robo, a machine built by Professor Saotome which uses the mysterious Getter Rays as its power source. Piloting it are three strong-willed young men - the violent martial artist Nagare Ryoma, the psychopathic yet highly intelligent revolutionary Jin Hayato, and the hot-blooded Judo master Tomoe Musashi. Each controls one of three specially designed combat jets which can be combined together in different forms to form three different kinds of giant robots: the flying, axe-wielding Getter-1, the quick, drill-wielding Getter-2, and the tough, tank-like Getter-3.
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Cutie Honey Tai Devilman Lady
    Fudou Jun (Devilman Lady) heads to St. Chapel School in order to track down a Devil Beast.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Getter Robo Hien - The Earth Suicide
    This series continues the Ken Ishikawa continuity of Getter manga, temporally taking place after Getter Robo Go and before Getter Āḥ. The series features an older Hayato leading a new team of Getter Pilots (and a new Getter) as they defend the earth from large plant-like monsters.
    (Source: Wikipedia)
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Shin Change!! Getter Robo Crater Battle
    Prequel to the Getter Robo Armageddon anime.

    Also published in the Getter Saga version of Shin Getter Robo.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Gou-chan Magajin
    It is a short story collection to commemorate the forty anniversary cartoonist life of Go Nagai. And decorate the top, "Sirene birth Guide". Birth secret story of that Sirene.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Getter Robo Arc
    Set in a post-Apocalyptic Earth, Hayato Jin continues to lead the Saotome Research Institute after the events of Getter Robo Go. He has succeeded Professor Saotome's masterpiece prototype, the Shin Getter Robo, with a more stable creation: Getter Robo ā?.
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Shin Getter Robo
    Saotome Institute, which is the center of Getter Ray study, was attacked by a mysterious monster. That figure was a huge "Oni", which is a legendary monster. They fought with a prototype Getter Robo against it. However, they noticed a big fault. Manipulating Getter Robo was a burden to the pilot, and the normal person couldn’t stand it. To provide for the next attack, they had to look for the candidates for the pilots.
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Gisho Getter Robo Darkness
    • Complete
    • 32 chapters
    • Mecha
    No synopsis has been added for this manga yet.Click here to update this information.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Shin Maou Dante
    No synopsis has been added for this manga yet.Click here to update this information.
    Updated: 2020-12-26