Niehime to Kemono no Ou Poster
Niehime to Kemono no Ou Poster

Niehime to Kemono no Ou



Drama Fantasy Romance
RANK 1230 78.17/100
  • Chapters 52
  • Views 3.8k
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
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Drama Fantasy Romance

Niehime to Kemono no Ou Story

Also khown as:

Niehime to Kemono no Ou


Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts




Princess of the Sacrifice & King of the Beast


Princess of the sacrifice & King of the beast

Saliphie, the 99th sacrifice to the terrifying demon king, learns two secrets about the king: The first, that he has been letting the sacrifices go in secret. The second, that half of his blood is that of a human. She gets to know the king's kindness and sorrow, and then it's announced that the king has taken Saliphie, who wishes to become a source of energy for the king, as his queen, and...?

(Source: MU)

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Q: Is this the official site for Niehime to Kemono no Ou?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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