• Niehime to Kemono no Ou
    Saliphie, the 99th sacrifice to the terrifying demon king, learns two secrets about the king: The first, that he has been letting the sacrifices go in secret. The second, that half of his blood is that of a human. She gets to know the king's kindness and sorrow, and then it's announced that the king has taken Saliphie, who wishes to become a source of energy for the king, as his queen, and...?

    (Source: MU)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Wolfull Moon
    Tootsuki Yaya can see things nobody else can. One day, she is attacked by a monster-spider, and a puppy comes to her rescue. But when she unties the strange ribbon around its neck, it turns into the Wolf King of the demon world! Finally free after a thousand years, he’s out to get the holy maiden who imprisoned him in a canine body for so long. And guess who is her reincarnation..?

    (Source: Aerandria Scans)
    Updated: 2020-12-26