Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de Poster
Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de Poster

Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de

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  • Chapters 46
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Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de Story

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Love And Desire Are At A School


Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de

Because the way people have a high interest in "sex," a sex school was formed in order to fulfill the students' desires and help them become more advanced in their skills. Ion, in order to help pay off the debts in his family, has enrolled in the school, hoping to gain knowledge and sell out his body in the future to gain money. But Ion gains more than just "knowledge" in the sex industry, and he starts to fall for his Instructor Asagi... but love is strictly banned from the school...

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Q: Is this the official site for Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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