Kimisae Inakereba Poster
Kimisae Inakereba Poster

Kimisae Inakereba



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  • Chapters 1
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Kimisae Inakereba Story

Also khown as:

Kimi sae Inakereba




Kimisae Inakereba


24-jikan Kiss Dekinai

A series of one shots.
1.) If you Were
Fujisawa Yuuji, moves from Tokyo to a little village, because of some personal reasons. Yuuji is tall and good looking, making it easy for him to pick and choose his girlfriends. However, on his first day at his new school in the country, he spots a red-headed boy that stands out from the rest. Who is this boy and what's his secret? Will Yuuji decide that a boy is better than a girl...
(Source: Girls' Generation Scanlations)

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