Watashi no koto wo Oboete imasu ka Poster
Watashi no koto wo Oboete imasu ka Poster

Watashi no koto wo Oboete imasu ka

  • Chapters 2
  • Views 373
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
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Watashi no koto wo Oboete imasu ka Story

Haruka is a 30-year-old single woman who works as an overworked gossip magazine writer. Back in 6th grade, she had a crush on a 3rd grade boy. Since she was afraid of being bullied due to that, she told others that she crushed on the boy's brother instead. Despite that, the boy confesses and without an answer, moves away. Since then, Haruka wonders why she unconsciously likes celebrities that remind her of him. She wonders if he still remembers her...

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Q: Is this the official site for Watashi no koto wo Oboete imasu ka?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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