Ultraman Poster
Ultraman Poster


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  • Chapters 67
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Ultraman Story

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Ages ever since the absents of the Gigantic Hero, the next generation hero who inherit the bloodlines of the legendary gigantic hero emerge. Shin Jiro, a normal high school student who's also the son of Shin Hayate (the real Ultraman) and is aware about the existence of Ultraman years ago and wanted to be a hero that save the world. He is just a normal human and had no superpowers or such. One faithful day lead him to a special high-tech suit that will turn him into a different incarnation of the legendary gigantic hero! Will he be a HERO?

This is the best place to read Ultraman online.

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Q: Is this the official site for Ultraman?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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