Uchi no Darling Gaikokujin Poster
Uchi no Darling Gaikokujin Poster

Uchi no Darling Gaikokujin



Comedy Drama Romance
RANK 10277 4.6/100
  • Chapters 7
  • Views 384
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status Complete
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Comedy Drama Romance

Uchi no Darling Gaikokujin Story

Also khown as:



Uchi no Darling Gaikokujin


My Darling is a Foreigner

A stranger in the land of Japan, with no knowledge of the language aside from a handful of memorised phrases, Alex accidentally proposes marriage instead of asking for directions. The answer is yes and his new fiance is Yoshifumi, a slightly airheaded young master. Alex is baffled by Yoshifumi's actions, why is he insisting on holding his hand or sleeping together? - until he learns of his mistake...
(Source: dollie_mixtures)

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Q: Is this the official site for Uchi no Darling Gaikokujin?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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