Toritsu Mizushou! Poster
Toritsu Mizushou! Poster

Toritsu Mizushou!

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Toritsu Mizushou! Story

Also khown as:

Toritsu Mizushou!


The School of Water Business



Mizushoubai (water business) is the term for Japan's night life activities, such as fuuzoku (similar to prostitution but none of the illegal bits), hosting and managing (entertaining at bars), and kyabakura (night clubs).
Recently, it was decided that a high school should be founded to educate the youth in these area where they'd previously had no such guidance: the School of Water Business, "Mizushou", located in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward.
The story is from the perspective of a teacher, Tanabe Keisuke, who was transferred there to help teach that school's first generation of students.
(Source: MU)

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