Tokyo Undead Poster
Tokyo Undead Poster

Tokyo Undead



Authors: n/a
RANK 11599 4.0/100
  • Chapters 1
  • Views 91
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Tokyo Undead Story

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Tokyo Undead

After a man-made pathogen known as the K virus is accidentally released from Fieldwar Labs in the heart of Tokyo, the city is overrun by flesh-eating zombies. In the hopes of saving the last-remaining survivors of this apocalypse, an organization known as Madara sends out its rookie member in a last-ditch effort to find a cure. Young Itachi must survive the zombie-ravaged streets of Tokyo while searching for the missing key that’s integral to Japan’s survival!

(Source: MU)

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Q: Is this the official site for Tokyo Undead?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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