Suna no Eikan Poster
Suna no Eikan Poster

Suna no Eikan



Drama Sports Seinen
RANK 40333 3.1/100
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Read Chapter 1


Drama Sports Seinen

Suna no Eikan Story

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Suna no Eikan

Nanashima's high school baseball team missed going to the nationals by one heartbreaking game during his 2nd year in school. Now as a 3rd year and team captain, he sees that the team is nothing compared to last year. The all star starters from last year have graduated and Nanashima is left with unskilled and, more importantly, unmotivated players that have no shot at making the nationals. That is when Mr. Toku, an old man in the neighborhood who has watched every practice and every game the school has ever played for the past few decades, secretly entrusts Nanashima with 1.000.000 yen. Mr. Toku wants Nanashima to use the money however he wants to ensure the team makes it to the nationals. But that large of an untraceable fund is too big of a responsibility for a high school teenager and even a goodhearted kid like Nanashima might fall into its temptation.

(Source: MU)

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