Sora yori Takaku (MIYASHITA Akira) Poster
Sora yori Takaku (MIYASHITA Akira) Poster

Sora yori Takaku (MIYASHITA Akira)

  • Chapters 253
  • Views 24.2k
  • Bookmarked 2
  • Status On Going
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Sora yori Takaku (MIYASHITA Akira) Story

When the Devil King announces his retirement, he calls forth his two sons, Yomi and Sora, to give them each a quest. Whichever of them finds a pure Yamato maiden within a year would inherit the throne of the Devil King, while the other would die. Thus begins Sora's sex-fuelled adventure to find a woman that can satisfy his father...

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Q: Is this the official site for Sora yori Takaku (MIYASHITA Akira)?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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