Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho? Poster
Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho? Poster

Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho?

RANK 9393 2.0/100
  • Chapters 14
  • Views 1.5k
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  • Status On Going
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Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho? Story

Also khown as:

Please kill yourself! You're a hero, aren't you?


Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho?




Please Die! You're A Hero, Ain't Ya?


Пожалуйста, умри! Ты ведь Герой?



Akito wants the stereotypical isekai experience and so he summons himself to another world, however things don't quite go as planned. He's the same unskilled loser that he was before. He can barely scrape together enough money to eat. One day a cute girl approaches him with a contract to join her party. He can't read what it says, but ends up being forced to sign it anyway. What's the worst that could happen?

(Source: MU)

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Q: Is this the official site for Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho??

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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