Say Say Say (HWANG Mi Ri) Poster
Say Say Say (HWANG Mi Ri) Poster

Say Say Say (HWANG Mi Ri)

  • Chapters 42
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Say Say Say (HWANG Mi Ri) Story

A high school girl does her own broadcasting every day to her only listener, "Timeless". But who is this timeless, and have they ever met before?

***No matter where you are I can recognize you at one glance whether you are disguised or far away.
Because it's our fate and destiny.

There is no other enemy like you!!
You tackle and bother me on everything I do.
Say and Yong-won are like enemies ready to attack-!!

Messed up and tangled Say’s and Yong-won’s sad but beautiful love story~***

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Q: Is this the official site for Say Say Say (HWANG Mi Ri)?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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