Queen with a Scalpel Poster
Queen with a Scalpel Poster

Queen with a Scalpel



RANK 1043 82.27/100
  • Chapters 31
  • Views 3.1k
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
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Queen with a Scalpel Story

Also khown as:

Doctor Elise: Reina del bisturi


Surgeon Elise


Nǚwáng de Shǒushùdāo




외과 의사 엘리제


Oegwauisa Ellije


외과의사 엘리제


Dokter Elise


Doctor Elise


Doctor Elise: Reina del bisturí


Doctor Elise: Queen With a Scalpel




L'impérieux destin du Dr Élise


Королева со скальпелем


Queen with a Scalpel


Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp

In the first life she was a terrible queen, who brought trouble to her country, and eventually, her own king burned her at the stake. In the second life, she became a talented surgeon, redeeming herself for her past, saving people. But because of a plane crash, the talented surgeon Song Zhi Hyun returns to her former life! This time, she decides to change everything, becoming a doctor.(Source:MU)

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Q: Is this the official site for Queen with a Scalpel?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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