Poe no Ichizoku Poster
Poe no Ichizoku Poster

Poe no Ichizoku

RANK 8910 77.21/100
  • Chapters 22
  • Views 1.8k
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  • Status Complete
Read Chapter 1

Poe no Ichizoku Story

Also khown as:

The Poe Clan


The Poe Family


Poe no Ichizoku




Pou no Ichizoku


The Family of Poe

The Poe family has to suffer the thirst for blood, as they live for eternity. They see loved ones die around them, and cannot be treated like normal humans, and have to live in fear as they may be killed if the humans find out about their existence. Having emotions of humans, and thirst for blood, why do such creatures live on Earth? A teenage boy from the family matures as he sees the cruel world around him.

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Q: Is this the official site for Poe no Ichizoku?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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