Ouji no Kikan Poster
Ouji no Kikan Poster

Ouji no Kikan

RANK 3271 70.91/100
  • Chapters 10
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Read Chapter 1

Ouji no Kikan Story

Also khown as:



By His Side


Return of the Prince




Ouji no Kikan

Satake Kou attended the wedding of his sister unknowingly that he will be reunited there with his cousin, Fumihiro, who used to be a very dumb fat guy, then transformed into a charismatic prince! Kou became undeniably self-conscious about this while he is not aware of Fumihiro’s high regards towards him since they were little. And in their reunion, Fumihiro’s admiration has turned into something complex. How would Kou respond to Fumihiro’s feelings?
(Source: Girls' Generation Scanlations)

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