Oredake no Senzoku Alpha Poster
Oredake no Senzoku Alpha Poster

Oredake no Senzoku Alpha



  • Chapters 3
  • Views 1.5k
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
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Oredake no Senzoku Alpha Story

The very popular omega model, Masatsugu Otonashi, hates alphas on a totally different level. However, one day, Otonashi is assigned an assistant, Mei Todoroki, an alpha who ends up being at the mercy of his unreasonable demands. Despite the hardships of being Otonashi’s assistant, Todoroki flawlessly does his job and eventually gains Otonashi’s trust...and Todoroki soon becomes drawn to Otonashi's vulnerability and kindness...

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Q: Is this the official site for Oredake no Senzoku Alpha?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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