My Favorite Girl Poster
My Favorite Girl Poster

My Favorite Girl



Romance Shoujo
RANK 23349 4.8/100
  • Chapters 12
  • Views 510
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Romance Shoujo

My Favorite Girl Story

Also khown as:

My Favorite Girl


Hayato works at a restaurant and has a crush on Shouko, the other part-time worker. However, he just can't seem to find a good way to confess his feelings, especially after finding out that Shouko's previous boyfriend passed away in an accident. It's around this time that a construction worker/moonlighting magician named Kai wanders into their restaurant. Hayato quickly becomes friends with him, but why does Shouko seem so surprised when she sees him? This is a collaboration between mangaka Fujimura Mari and the J-pop band WaT featuring Wentz Eiji and Koike Teppei.

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Q: Is this the official site for My Favorite Girl?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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