Mazu wa, Hitokuchi. Poster
Mazu wa, Hitokuchi. Poster

Mazu wa, Hitokuchi.



Comedy Supernatural Yaoi
RANK 7408 73.09/100
  • Chapters 7
  • Views 418
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Comedy Supernatural Yaoi

Mazu wa, Hitokuchi. Story

Also khown as:

Mazu wa, Hitokuchi.




Just a Taste for Starters

Oda and Hasegawa are childhood friends bound by a very special secret: Oda's a third-generation pig farmer on a farm that raises FLYING PIGS. When a nosy reporter starts investigating tales of upward-mobile porkers in the area, the two must band together (and thereby grow closer in doing so) to protect Oda's family's livelihood as well as the good-luck-giving swine.

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Q: Is this the official site for Mazu wa, Hitokuchi.?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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