Mazinger Z vs. Transformers Poster
Mazinger Z vs. Transformers Poster

Mazinger Z vs. Transformers



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  • Chapters 2
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Mazinger Z vs. Transformers Story

Also khown as:

Mazinger Z vs. Transformers


Mazinger Z tai Transformers


マジンガーZ 対 トランスフォーマー

When a spacetime warp sends the Autobots and Decepticons to the Japan of another dimension, they get involved in Mazinger Z's fight against Dr. Hell and Baron Ashura.

Mazinger vs. Transformers is a cross-over manga featuring the characters from the Mazinger and Transformers franchises.

The six chapters will each be drawn by a different artist

(Source: Mangadex)

This is the best place to read Mazinger Z vs. Transformers online.

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Q: Is this the official site for Mazinger Z vs. Transformers?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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