Mashuri no Hako Poster
Mashuri no Hako Poster

Mashuri no Hako



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  • Chapters 17
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Mashuri no Hako Story

Also khown as:



Mashuri no Hako


A Box of Mashuri

Hagiri Town is a lonely country town. People have sometimes avoided getting into that topic because of the unusual nature of 56 people missing in the past 30 years. Meanwhile, a male teacher, Gunji has been assigned to a high school in the town. Wherein he is responsible as class deputy and also to take over the floral arrangements club. As head of that club he receives a poisonous red flower from an old man who donates flowers to the school, but…this was the beginning of a nightmare that would change everything!

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Q: Is this the official site for Mashuri no Hako?

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