Mad Cinderella Poster
Mad Cinderella Poster

Mad Cinderella



Comedy Romance
RANK 4968 75.04/100
  • Chapters 26
  • Views 2.4k
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Comedy Romance

Mad Cinderella Story

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Mad Cinderella

Teijin Sakuichi was born in a house of one of Japan's leading conglomerates while Ryota Kishi was born and raised in a common household and lived a rather crude lifestyle. Despite this difference, they were neighbors and childhood friends that grew up together. However in the winter of their third year in middle school, Sakuichi proposed to Ryouta before going to study abroad. Years later, having no contact, Sakuichi suddenly appears before Ryota completely changed. Has Sakuichi forgotten all about Ryota and their proposal!?
(Source: MU)

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