Lovey Dovey Poster
Lovey Dovey Poster

Lovey Dovey

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Lovey Dovey Story

Also khown as:



Lovey Dovey


Joou-sama ni Meirei!

For 10 years Saika has done everything she can to get close to her love Keishi. She followed him to the same high school, joined the same committees, and even changed her outward personality to become the right match for Keishi. One day, looking for Keishi in the special section of the school, she runs into the school's trouble-maker Kirisaki Shin. As he begins to bully her, her true personality comes out: loud-mouthed and violent. To her dismay, Kirisaki decides that he likes that kind of girl. Lovey Dovey is the story of Saika's trials and tribulations in a love triangle at a school where "Love is Prohibited." (Source: Covenant of Darkness)

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Q: Is this the official site for Lovey Dovey?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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