Legal Friends Poster
Legal Friends Poster

Legal Friends

  • Chapters 35
  • Views 3.5k
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  • Status On Going
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Legal Friends Story

Eurha Leighvhannth'othyraeuckandeilli is a 17 year old popular High School Student/Writer/Novelist who often gets into trouble because of her physical appearance. One day she received a mail from his older brother who works overseas, inside the mail was a Contract called the "Legal Friend Contract." The 1 year term contract claims that if you sign and agreed to the terms and conditions, you can be assured to be 100% free from any physical harm. After a couple of days , she met this tall man named "Kiro" who claims to be a being called "Legal" and can assure Eurhas physical safety.

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Q: Is this the official site for Legal Friends?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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