Kuro no Taiyou Gin no Tsuki Poster
Kuro no Taiyou Gin no Tsuki Poster

Kuro no Taiyou Gin no Tsuki

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Kuro no Taiyou Gin no Tsuki Story

Also khown as:

黒の太陽 銀の月


Black Sun Silver Moon


Kuro no Taiyou, Gin no Tsuki

Taki thought he knew exactly what he was getting into when he accepted a job at the church as an assistant -- and he was mostly right, although the job description hadn't mentioned dealing with zombies! When night falls, the mysterious priest Shikimi and his new assistant venture into the graveyard to destroy the newly risen dead. The enigmatic priest always seems to know when and where these creatures will appear, and as the days go on, Taki begins to suspect that the danger may also come from within...
(Source: Go! Comi)

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Q: Is this the official site for Kuro no Taiyou Gin no Tsuki?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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