Kocchi Muite, Ai Poster
Kocchi Muite, Ai Poster

Kocchi Muite, Ai



Drama Romance
RANK 4081 76.31/100
  • Chapters 7
  • Views 573
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Drama Romance

Kocchi Muite, Ai Story

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Kocchi Muite, Ai




Hi-manual Renai

Akio suffers because of the harsh words that the man that left him used: 'If you only were a woman, it would be a lot better.' Asking himself 'Why did you say something like that?' he runs into a friend in a bar, who also was left by his partner. They're both uke, but they try to do it anyway. Could it be that one of them has an interior seme inside?!

(Source: Fundash Yaoi)

Included one-shot: Hi-manual Renai

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