Kimi Wa Pet Poster
Kimi Wa Pet Poster

Kimi Wa Pet

  • Chapters 82
  • Views 6.1k
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Kimi Wa Pet Story

Smart, successful and good-looking Iwaya Sumire works for a big newspaper. However, her boss asks her to leave for being too "perfect" a woman. Feeling angry and dejected Iwaya returns home depressed, and most of all lonely. However, she finds an unconscious young man lying in a box out the front of her home and takes him in. He looks like a dog she used to own called Momo. She dubs him Momo and decides to "keep him as a pet." It's the start of an unexpected life together as they overcome obstacles and become quite attached to one another. But can love like this exist?

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Q: Is this the official site for Kimi Wa Pet?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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