Kiken Junai D.N.A. Poster
Kiken Junai D.N.A. Poster

Kiken Junai D.N.A.

  • Chapters 18
  • Views 1.4k
  • Bookmarked 1
  • Status On Going
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Kiken Junai D.N.A. Story

She had always hated the fact that her younger brother had been cuter than her. Now, he's at her school, dressed as a girl and as a popular model for female clothing. Although it's not unknown that he is not a girl, all the boys like him. Thus, she is always rejected by her crushes. They're brother and sister but is there something deeper going on? Her younger brother has always been cute, and now he's, even at school, dressed as a girl and a popular female model, but he's been keeping a secret: he loves his blood-unrelated older sister!

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Q: Is this the official site for Kiken Junai D.N.A.?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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