Kiddy Grade Vs Poster
Kiddy Grade Vs Poster

Kiddy Grade Vs



Action Ecchi Sci-Fi
  • Chapters 1
  • Views 257
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
Read Chapter 1


Action Ecchi Sci-Fi

Kiddy Grade Vs Story

From Studio ADTRW:
After suffering numerous interstellar wars, mankind has finally formed an interstellar union. However there are still many disputes and wars occurring amongst the members of the union itself. In order to resolve these problems, a secret organization, known as GOTT, is formed. They employ agents with special powers to fight for the organization. Agents Eclair and Lumiere are two girls with outstanding abilities, and they are assigned as partners. Together, they fight, and slowly uncover more and more about the secret of the organization that they work for.

Note: Dragon Jr version, less serious and more chibi-looking than the Shounen Ace version

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Q: Is this the official site for Kiddy Grade Vs?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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