Kaeru no Prince-sama Poster
Kaeru no Prince-sama Poster

Kaeru no Prince-sama

RANK 9093 70.81/100
  • Chapters 6
  • Views 732
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Kaeru no Prince-sama Story

Also khown as:

Kaeru no★Prince-sama



Socially awkward Aono was perfectly happy working in Quality Control as but fate would have it he's been transferred to the Sales Department?? As if being ridiculed by his co-workers for his nervous stutter isn't bad enough, he's thoroughly mortified when the departmental star Gouzaka overhears him having a breakdown on the roof. But no matter how often he pushes Gouzaka away or how fast Aono runs Gouzaka is always there by his side...
(Source: MU)

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Q: Is this the official site for Kaeru no Prince-sama?

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