Ihabu no Seikatsu Poster
Ihabu no Seikatsu Poster

Ihabu no Seikatsu

  • Chapters 15
  • Views 1.5k
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
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Ihabu no Seikatsu Story

Ihabu is the boy who was born by artificial insemination as a child of two women. Elly of the part of father disappears, and it is a family of mother and child with Mary of the part of mother. Ihabu is rebuked by Mary that "you were born as a man is our greatest failure." One day, he cuts off his penis, and he looks for real father registered with a sperm bank and goes for an odyssey.

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Q: Is this the official site for Ihabu no Seikatsu?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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