Hitsuji Ga Ippiki Poster
Hitsuji Ga Ippiki Poster

Hitsuji Ga Ippiki



Drama Romance Shoujo
RANK 11379 75.09/100
  • Chapters 4
  • Views 447
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  • Status Complete
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Drama Romance Shoujo

Hitsuji Ga Ippiki Story

Also khown as:

Counting Sheep




Hitsuji ga Ippiki


One Animal Sheep

Mei has been living alone since her beloved older brother, Saeki, died. Suddenly, a guy named Reon came and abducted her. Why do they have to live together? No matter how Mei hates malicious Reon, another feeling starts to appear. Then, Saeki, who was thought to be dead, returned!
(Source: Midnight Scans)

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