Golondrina Poster
Golondrina Poster




Drama Romance Seinen Mature
RANK 11229 5.0/100
  • Chapters 19
  • Views 1.5k
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  • Status On Going
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Drama Romance Seinen Mature

Golondrina Story

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The betrayal of her lover sends Chika into despair and as result she attempts to end her own life. But she is saved by a man called Antonio, who helps nurse her back to health. After the devastating experience, Chika chooses to lead the rest of her life as a matador. It is then Chika that decides and swears: "I will become a bullfighter. By becoming one, I will be able to die in front of my lover." But little does Chika know of the difficult road that lies ahead and the trouble she must face to follow the path of a matador...
(Source: Wonderland After Hours)

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