Futago no ane ga miko toshite hikitorarete, watashi wa suterareta kedo tabun watashi ga miko de aru Poster
Futago no ane ga miko toshite hikitorarete, watashi wa suterareta kedo tabun watashi ga miko de aru Poster

Futago no ane ga miko toshite hikitorarete, watashi wa suterareta kedo tabun watashi ga miko de aru

RANK 7356 78.20/100
  • Chapters 51
  • Views 5.4k
  • Bookmarked 2
  • Status On Going
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Futago no ane ga miko toshite hikitorarete, watashi wa suterareta kedo tabun watashi ga miko de aru Story

Also khown as:

Мою сестру-близнеца приняли как Мико, а меня бросили, но может, это я была Мико


쌍둥이 언니가 무녀로 거둬져서, 나는 버려졌지만 아무래도 내가 무녀인 듯하다




My twin sister was taken as a miko and I was thrown away but I'm probably the miko.


Futago no ane ga miko toshite hikitorarete, watashi wa suterareta kedo tabun watashi ga miko de aru

Relunda has always been treated unfairly, constantly compared to her twin sister, whose personality is bright and beautiful. One day Relunda was thrown away into the forest, abandoned by her parents when her sister was taken over to the Great Temple as a child...
In disappointment, the strongest monster Griffon in the forest and a Sky Horse helped her lonely person...

(Source: MU)

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Q: Is this the official site for Futago no ane ga miko toshite hikitorarete, watashi wa suterareta kedo tabun watashi ga miko de aru?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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