Fangs (Billy Balibally) Poster
Fangs (Billy Balibally) Poster

Fangs (Billy Balibally)



  • Chapters 2
  • Views 365
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
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Fangs (Billy Balibally) Story

Attacked by vampires at a club, nineteen-year-old En survives after being bitten and turning into a vampire himself. He is then found by Ichii, a vampire from the organization 'FANGS' who becomes his guardian. To satisfy the vampires' urge to suck blood, the organization encourages a 'pairing system' where two vampires agree to support one another. At his first pairing party, En attracts a lot of vampires due to his status as a 'virgin', and thus declares in a panic that he will become Ichii's pair...?!

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Q: Is this the official site for Fangs (Billy Balibally)?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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