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Deep Kiss Poster

Deep Kiss

  • Chapters 4
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Deep Kiss Story

Deep kiss, torrid kiss... Discover the 1st volume of the collection of the mangaka Kasane Katsumoto! Collection of stories about the difficulty in love and making confessions, Deep Kiss is a first sensual and romantic incursion into Lolita's universe...
1. The Gaze - Nana has been fascinated with Onozato ever since she noticed his cold gaze. When she confesses to him, he tells her he likes girls with a different style - and that she should try out. Will she listen to him?
2. Deep Kiss - Yuka has always attracted guys only interested in her body because of her big breasts. What she really wants is someone who will love her for herself...
3. Magic Fingers - Haruna starts getting worried when her boyfriend, Kazuto, spends more time at work than with her...
4. Summer Memories
Yuki moves back to her hometown after splitting up with her boyfriend. There she meets up with Kohei, her high school friend

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