Byul Bit So Ge Poster
Byul Bit So Ge Poster

Byul Bit So Ge



Drama Romance Shoujo Sci-Fi
  • Chapters 12
  • Views 745
  • Bookmarked 0
  • Status On Going
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Drama Romance Shoujo Sci-Fi

Byul Bit So Ge Story

From NetComics:
Shinhye loves lying under the night sky with her father, listening to his tales of the constellations. And she dreams of a life among the stars. Little does she know that the stars may come down to her instead. Her journey begins when the department of science asks her family to host Sarah, a foreign girl with a unique talent. But, strange men are interested in Sarah and Shinhye doesn't know why. Unbeknownst to Shinhye, her every dream--and nightmare--is about to come true.

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