Boy Princess Poster
Boy Princess Poster

Boy Princess

  • Chapters 14
  • Views 212
  • Bookmarked 1
  • Status Complete
Read Chapter 1

Boy Princess Story

From NetComics:
A pulse-quickening tale of swords and sorcery, far-away kingdoms, and the fairest princess in all the land. Except, this is a fairy tale with a twist. When a prince's soon-to-be-bride (Elena) elopes two days before their wedding, her desperate family dress up their young son (Nicole) and send him to get married in her place (with prince Jed). With his deep blue eyes and flowing blond hair (and strategically placed apples), nobody bats an eye at the pretty pubescent standing before them. But how long can he keep up the charade? Despite the odds stacked against them, the two princes share adventures and intimacies in a story filled with imagination and visual delight.

But!....what would happen if the PRINCES fell in love?

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Q: Is this the official site for Boy Princess?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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