Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga nai Poster
Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga nai Poster

Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga nai

RANK 13609 5.0/100
  • Chapters 50
  • Views 2.8k
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  • Status On Going
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Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga nai Story

Also khown as:



My Wife Has No Emotion


Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai

Takuma is a single guy who does nothing but go to work and come home. Too tired to do chores, he decides to get a robot to cook and keep house. “Mina-chan” is such a good housekeeper, Takuma jokes that she should become his wife. Mina takes Takuma’s joke seriously, and slowly the two start doing more things together, like having a picnic outside. As time goes by, Takuma starts to fall for Mina, but can a human and a robot ever have an equal, loving relationship?

(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

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Q: Is this the official site for Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga nai?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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