Asahi-senpai no Okiniiri Poster
Asahi-senpai no Okiniiri Poster

Asahi-senpai no Okiniiri

RANK 40691 5.0/100
  • Chapters 3
  • Views 534
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  • Status On Going
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Asahi-senpai no Okiniiri Story

Also khown as:

Asahi-senpai no Okiniiri



Matsuri, a first year high school student, had lived a peaceful life, until the day she met her big brother's friend, Asahi Ryunosuke (a third year)... in a completely unexpected way. As the days pass, the popular Asahi-senpai teases her to no end and her feelings for him start blooming.

This is the best place to read Asahi-senpai no Okiniiri online.

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Q: Is this the official site for Asahi-senpai no Okiniiri?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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