Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden Poster
Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden Poster

Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden

  • Chapters 24
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Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden Story

Based on the Chinese novel Shui Hu Zhuan, this series is about the trials and tribulations of a band of outlaws during the mid Song dynasty.

It is 1112, China is in turmoil with the present Song dynasty's government and its inability to control its own provincial officials from preying on their people. However, tales of a band of outlaws punishing these abusive officers called "Taiten Gyoudou" is spreading. Their deeds are giving people hope. It begins with an encounter between Suiren, a young village girl believing in the bandits, and "Falling Star" Tai Sou, a traveling swordsman whose skill precedes him.

* Suikoden (水滸伝) is a Japanese translation for Shui Hu Zhuan.

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