Ai wa Noroi no Nihon Ningyou Poster
Ai wa Noroi no Nihon Ningyou Poster

Ai wa Noroi no Nihon Ningyou

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Ai wa Noroi no Nihon Ningyou Story

Also khown as:





Ai is a Cursed Japanese Doll


Ai wa Noroi no Nihon Ningyou




아이는 저주의 일본 인형 ♥


Проклятая кукла Ай

Figures are one of the many things that otakus love. Kotobuki is one of those otakus that love figures. One day he looks through his aunt's storage and finds a Japanese doll. His aunt warns him that the doll is cursed and has been put away for a long time due to this.

So what?

Kotobuki only sees the Japanese doll, named Ai, as another figure to add to his collection. Ai, existing as a doll to scare off people, feels insulted that her scares aren't working, but at the same time she realizes that Kotobuki isn't just an otaku, he has pride and love for figures, and Ai is no exception.

(Source: MangaDex)

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Q: Is this the official site for Ai wa Noroi no Nihon Ningyou?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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