Aflame Inferno Poster
Aflame Inferno Poster

Aflame Inferno

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Aflame Inferno Story

Also khown as:

Inferno of Flame


Honoo no Inferno


Aflame Inferno




Flame's Inferno

Aflame Inferno is about a self absorbed high schooler, Kang Shichan, that gets caught in the middle of a battle between demons. Injured severely and near death, the demon Inferno merges with the student to save his life. Together they win the battle to discover that they are inescapably joined. The only hope of every being separate beings is to close down 1,000 Invento Hells and find the right spell of Resurrection. Can Kang Shichan balance hunting down demons with his school work?
(Source: MU)

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