• Smokin' Parade
    The story follows Kakujou Youkou, who lives in a seemingly normal world where medical technology has skyrocketed to new heights, making it possible to completely replace any human organ. Those behind this are called the Ame No Tori (Rain of Birds), but it all turns out to be a plot against humanity where the new technology can take over its host, thus turning them into a killing machine. A task force is created called the Jackalope; its goal is to annihilate these mindless murderers before they raise any more havoc. This is where Youkou's new life begins...
    Updated: 2022-05-24
  • Deadman Wonderland
    Ten years have passed since the Great Tokyo Earthquake, and the people's memories of the disaster have faded. Ganta Igarashi, a middle school evacuee, has finally begun to live a normal life...That is, until the day "Red Man" appears at his school and Ganta's fate is changed forever. His entire class is brutally murdered, and although innocent of the crime, Ganta is sentenced to death and sent to the bizarre prison known as "Deadman Wonderland." An insane and brutal game of prison survival begins!

    (Source: Tokyopop)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Kamisama Permanent
    "I am depressed. Even if I'm a god ---."
    16-page oneshot depicting the melancholy of a god.
    (Source: Kadokawa Shoten)
    Updated: 2020-12-26