
  • Touken Ranbu Anthology ~ Touken Danshi Makuaigeki ~
    A manga anthology based on DMM and Nitro+'s browser game Touken Ranbu -online-
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Armitage the Third
    Armitage the Third borrows heavily from both Blade Runner and Total Recall to present a humans vs. androids murder mystery set on a Mars of the future. A four-part OVA series was released beginning in 1994, and this manga utilizes the same main characters and setting yet with a slightly different plot line. Copies are exceedingly rare even in Japan.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Dragon Quest: Emblem of Roto
    After monsters possessed the king of Carmen seven years ago, the kingdom fell to the hordes of evil. The only survivors were the king's son, Arus, and the army general's daughter Lunafrea. Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Loran, a child is born and christened with the name "Jyagan," as per the orders of the Dark Lord Imagine. While Arus is honest and good, Jyagan is allied with the forces of evil. With the blood of the hero Roto coursing through his veins, Arus sets out with Lunafrea in order to defeat the monsters and restore peace to the world. (Source: Wikipedia)
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Aru Hi Bijin ni Nattara
    This one-shot is contained in a book called 7 Ways to Become Absolutely Beautiful (Omoikkiri Kirei ni Naru 7 Nana -tsu no Houhou) (思いっきりキレイになる7つの方法).
    Additional information about this book is as follows: No one will call you ugly again!; You'll become beautiful and score a fabulous love!!; Because this is a collection of super techniques to make you absolutely beautiful!
    (Source: ShoujoMagic)
    Updated: 2021-09-08