• Kumabachi no Koto
    A girl, a bee, and a man... and a little bit of everyday magic.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Kotonoba Drive
    Suu-chan lives a laid back life, alternating her time between her part-time job and aimlessly riding on her bike. Occasionally she encounters mysterious scenery that engulfs her.

    (Source: MU)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Kabu no Isaki
    Living in the boonies, one must give great consideration as to how they will get around when they turn 16. Isaki has just tuned 16 and his choice of transportation is his brother's Piper Cub. It might be old, but it flies well. One day he decides to fly over the 2,000m high Ogusa mountain range to see the city his older sister is always talking about. But for some reason his plane feels too heavy and is using fuel faster than planned. Will he make to the airport or crash in the bushes. And just what was making the plane feel so heavy?

    Originally a oneshot, but became a regular feature to Afternoon due to its popularity
    Updated: 2021-08-26
  • PositioN
    This manga is about the every day occurrences in Sukiya Keiko's not all that ordinary life. From meeting a person that can fly to being all alone in the world she experiences things beyond and within your average day.
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
    From MangaProject:
    This is the story of Alpha Hasseno, an Alpha 7 M2 series robot. Left by her owner, she appears and acts fully human while running a small coffee shop named Cafe Alpha. It is a light-hearted story about the people Alpha comes into contact with behind the backdrop of a futuristic country-side in Japan. As we meet Alpha, she makes a shopping trip to Yokohama.

    Note: Won the 2007 Seiun Award for Best Manga.
    Updated: 2021-08-25