To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku - Endymion no Kiseki Poster
To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku - Endymion no Kiseki Poster

To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku - Endymion no Kiseki

  • Chapters 81
  • Views 3.5k
  • Bookmarked 2
  • Status On Going
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To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku - Endymion no Kiseki Story

Just before the completion of the Academy City space elevator "Endymion", the main characters Kamijou Touma and Index encounter a level 0 girl named Arisa. The Magicians are after Arisa, and they attack Academy City. A female leader named Shattoaura leads a unit from Academy City against the attack. Kamijou and Index learn from Stiyl that Arisa is key to a brewing war between the sides of Magic and Science. When science and magic cross paths, the story begins with Endymion as its stage!

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Q: Is this the official site for To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku - Endymion no Kiseki?

A: No, The entire site is fan-made.

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