Tetsuya - Jansei to Yobareta Otoko Poster
Tetsuya - Jansei to Yobareta Otoko Poster

Tetsuya - Jansei to Yobareta Otoko



Drama Shounen Sports
RANK 16549 5.0/100
  • Chapters 73
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Drama Shounen Sports

Tetsuya - Jansei to Yobareta Otoko Story

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Tetsuya: Jansei to Yobareta Otoko


哲也 ―雀聖と呼ばれた男―


Legendary Gambler Tetsuya

In the year 1947, the people of Shinjuku are down on their luck. With little money to buy food or necessities, some resort to gambling in order to survive. Traveling Tetsuya chooses to spend his time at Mahjong parlors where he is wiping the floor clean with his adversaries. However, Tetsuya meets the intensely-skilled Boushu-san, this is when he realizes that his skills are still lacking.
(From ANN)

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